IkorniCraft WHITEHALL 17 English
Whitehall 17ft pulling boat name Whitehall 17ft pulling boat picture


LOA 17'
Beam 4' 6"
11" 6/8 1290 lbs.
10" 1/8 990 lbs.
8" 3/8 522 lbs.

Emptyweight: 129 - 144 lbs (dep fibreglass type).
Light and fast pulling boat.
Rows single or double
Possibility for an inboard (electric) engine
Very stable boat.

Design: First designs known from around 1820
Navy-Yard New York.

Standard made in western red cedar on steamed ash.
Seats and sideboards mahogany.
1 set of european ash oars.
Bronze oarlocks and fittings.

Options: centreboard, rudder, rig, skeg and battery box